About Clean Horizon

Clean Horizon helps its clients benefit from energy storage.

Founded in 2009 by Dr Michael Salomon, Clean Horizon is a consultancy specifically dedicated to energy storage

Market Analysis

Clean Horizon experts assist actors and support decision makers by assessing addressable markets for energy storage. We can also forecast prices on specific energy markets in order to propose a valuation for storage projects.

Techno-economic analysis
Technico-economic analysis

Clean Horizon assists technology providers, integrators, and EPCs in understanding the main value streams for energy storage along with identifying the geographies that offer the best business case for their products and services. Clean Horizon’s activities covers regions as varied as Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Ireland, Hungar), island regions (Caribbean Islands, Indian Ocean islands such as Seychelles or Mauritius, French Islands), Africa ( Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Chad), Americas (United States, Canada, Latin America) and Australia .

Competitive Analysis
Competitive analysis

We assist our clients in addressing the competitive landscape and its evolution all across the value chain in multiple geographies. We have helped numerous European companies understand export markets, as well as Asian and American companies detect business opportunities in Europe.

Regulatory assessment
Regulatory Assessment

Clean Horizon experts regulatory monitor regulation and legal frameworks which affect energy storage. This knowledge enables an in-depth understanding and edge regarding predictions and potential impacts of incoming regulations on our clients’ energy storage business.

Market Forecast
Market forecast

Clean Horizon experts assist actors and support decision makers by assessing addressable markets for energy storage. We can also forecast prices on specific energy markets in order to propose a valuation for storage projects.

Discover our market analysis services

Technical Consulting

Clean Horizon assists technology providers, integrators, and EPCs in understanding the main value streams for energy storage along with identifying the geographies that offer the best business case for their products and services. Clean Horizon’s activities covers regions as varied as Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Ireland, Hungary…), island regions (Caribbean islands, Indian Ocean islands such as Seychelles or Mauritius, French Islands, etc.), Americas (United States, Canada, Latin America), Australia and beyond.

Storage sizing, design and procurement
Storage sizing, design, and procurement

Building on our capability to optimize energy storage systems and positioning, we support the complete process of energy storage project development - from initial design to procurement. Our experts regularly assist project developers in optimizing their storage configurations, drafting and administering RFPs for storage assets.

Storage sizing, design and procurement
CRE-STORE storage simulation tool

Since 2014, Clean Horizon has developed and continued to improve CRE-STORE, a “desktop version” of an EMS (Energy Management System). We use this tool to simulate storage operation and determine the optimal sizing of storage and hybrid projects – both from a technical and economic standpoint. We offer CRE-STORE as a service or a product, sold as an open code tool (developed in Matlab).

Grid impact studies and national energy planning
Grid impact studies and national energy planning

Working with island utilities, governments, and Development Finance Institutions, Clean Horizon supports long-term power system planning by assessing the techno-economic optimum of energy storage to support renewable energy integration and maintain grid stability.

Due diligence
Due diligence

As a neutral, independent third party, Clean Horizon can be solicited as a Lender’s Technical Advisor in the context of a due diligence for a storage or hybrid project.

Discover our technical consulting services