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Update from the field

Clean Horizon's Update from the Field (UFTF) serves as the monthly analyst note featuring new regularions, significant announced and commissioned projects, storage tenders, along with a focus on key trends affecting the energy storage business in energy storage. Each UFTF edition includes the report, corresponding webinar and presentation, as well as access to a ongoing list of tenders and our analysts for related inquiries.

Chess database

Clean Horizon's Energy Storage Source (CHESS) database includes large-scale (>500 kW) energy storage projects, worldwide.

Key information is updated by our experts and enables to futur understand and comprehend the energy storage global scene.

CHESS includes project locations, size, status, as well energy storage actors (from manufacturers, power conversion system providers, system integrators, ans developers), financing schemes, and applications.

Energy storage reports

Profit from Clean Horizon's vast knowledge of energy storage in different contexts from our "off-the-shelf" reports, available atour online store.

These reports range from different energy storage markets around the world in different contexts to innovative concepts like second-life batteries


Clean Horizon's developed and continues to improve its in-house energy storage sizing tool CRE-STORE, a "desktop version" of an EMS (Energy Management System). It serves to simulate the energy storage asset and determine the optimal sizing based on technical and economic considerations. CRE-STORE can be resorted to as a service, or sold as a completely open code (developed in Matlab).