Latest news from Clean Horizon

"Taking smart to the edges of the world"
19 Jun 2018 | Press Releases

Discover the full article by David Pratt from Solar Media, released in PV Tech Power Volume 15, which quotes M. Corentin Baschet on the the benefits of cutting-edge renewable energy, storage and smart grid technologies to the world’s geographically isolated communities.

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Next drivers for Energy storage markets growth: Interview with M. Baschet in Actu Environnement
12 Jun 2018 | Press Releases

Discover the interview (in French) with Corentin Baschet, Clean Horizon analyst, on the Energy storage markets’ growth drivers, released on June 11th by Actu Environnement.

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Forthcoming Energy storage conferences: meet us !
05 Mar 2018 | Press Releases

Meet Clean Horizon and many other industry experts at:

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Promising energy storage markets
05 Mar 2018 | Press Releases

Are you interested in the Russian or Kazakhstani markets for energy storage? Let us know!

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Energy Sotage Europe – March 13-15th, 2018 – Dusseldörf (Germany)
19 Feb 2018 | Press Releases

One month to go: join Clean Horizon and other industry experts at Energy Storage Europe Expo and Conference 2018 in Düsseldorf!

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Job advertisement
21 Jan 2018 | Press Releases

Clean Horizon is recruiting an experienced business developer, preferably with track record in Germany or UK, to accelerate our activities in 2018.

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