Conference "The Energy Storage Summit" London - February 25th and 26th, 2020

Michael Salomon, founder and CEO, Corentin Baschet, Head of Market analysis attended the conference.

The Energy Storage Summit has been attended by Clean Horizon since the early beginning of the UK storage market back in 2016 and gathers all the stakeholders active in this market.

This year seems more promising for energy storage in the UK. Following the saturation of the frequency regulation markets in 2018 and 2019, other revenue streams are now accessible to energy storage systems with elements such as:

  • Wider access to the balancing mechanism
  • Participation in the day-ahead an intraday wholesale markets
  • Dynamic Containment

During the past weeks several 100 MWs of energy storage were announced in the UK showing that the trading across the markets (day ahead, intraday and balancing) is easier to access for energy storage systems.