Dubai Solar Show 2019 & WETEX (October 21st - 23rd, 2019)

This event was hosted by DEWA and Dubai’s government to showcase all new initiatives and innovations in the Energy, Water and Technology sector. Last year, it had more than 3.3 million visitors. Project developers, IPPs, governmental agencies from all Emirates were present. French, German, Russian, Turkish and Chinese pavilions were present. A growing interest in storage was observed as well as the presence of multiple ESS suppliers & integrators (Fluence, Lockheed Martin, Highview Power, Vectron, …). 

Our energy storage expert - M. Naim El Chami - spoke about "The role of storage in the energy transition to renewable energy". 

This keynote session, followed by a panel, analysed how energy storage will play a key role in facilitating the next stage of the energy transition by helping to enable higher shares of variable renewable energy (VRE) in the power system, accelerating electrification of other industrial sectors, and indirectly decarbonizing the transport sector.

Dubai Solar Show - Role of Storage in the Energy Transition to Renewable Energy