Energy storage news - April 19th

This week’s TOP 5 includes a 131MW/269MWh battery system under construction in China by the Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute , HECO's plan to source 1,378 MW of storage for Hawaii by 2022, the eligibility of battery storage systems to Massachusetts' recent $2 billion energy efficiency incentives, Vattenfall's testing of a 10-MWh novel salt-based storage technology and Moixa's set up of a 2 MW Virtual Power Plant in West Sussex.


  1. The Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute started the construction of a 131MW/269MWh grid-connected storage system. The company claims that it has the largest capacity and power ratings in China.
  2. Hawaiian Electric Companies (HECO) plans to source the equivalent of 135 MW of solar and 1,378 MWh of energy storage by 2022.
  3. Battery storage systems are eligible for Massachusetts’ recent $2 billion energy efficiency incentives.
  4. Vattenfall will be testing a 10 MWh thermal storage system based on a novel salt-based technology at one of its thermal power plants near Berlin.
  5. Moixa will be setting up a 2-MW Virtual Power Plant in West Sussex.