Energy Storage news - November 6th, 2020

This week’s TOP 5 features news about Neoen's announcement of another massive battery storage system in Australia, publication of the official decree enabling energy storage participation in future Spanish renewable auctions, first steps of a 50 MW battery in the British balancing market, plans for a solar plant with a 10 MW battery component in Portugal and commissioning of Switzerland's largest battery.

  1. Global renewable energy producer Neoen announced that it will deploy a 300 MW battery system at the Western Downs solar plant in Victoria.

  2. A royal decree confirmed that storage will be integrated in the next Spanish renewable auctions, which first edition should start before the end of 2020.

  3. British aggregator Flexitricity started the operations of a 50 MW battery storage system on National Grid's Balancing Market.

  4. A consortium between Endesa and Hyperion Renewables will install a solar-plus-storage plant in the south of Portugal.

  5. Swiss project developer MW Storage commissioned a 20 MW battery that will be delivering secondary frequency control services.