Energy storage news - September 14th, 2018

This week’s TOP 5 includes Ireland preparing to procure 140 MW of assets for its DS3 programme, RES inaugurating its Broxburn battery in Scotland, Anesco installing a behind the meter C&I battery, Connected Energy and Argonaut using second life batteries to respond to C&I energy storage needs,  and the Australian Energy Market Operator seeking to establish a register and potential participation of distributed energy resources to better manage the National Electricity Market.
  1. Anesco has installed a 3.75 MW / 3.75 MW battery in the UK at Philips Dennis Foodservices.
  2. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) will establish a register of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in the National Electricity Market (NEM), including small scale battery systems coupled with rooftop PV, to help in planning and operating the power system.
  3. RES has officially commissioned the 20 MW Broxburn energy storage facility in West Lothian, Scotland.
  4. Up to 140 MW of capacity will be procured in Ireland’s DS3 programme (new frequency response balancing programme) with projects to be chosen September 2019 and come online by September 2021.
  5. Connected Energy partners with Argonaut to use Renault second life batteries for behind the meter C&I storage.