Market Segment Watch Africa 2018

1500 €

Opportunities in the African energy storage market, with more than 8 320 MUSD funded up by DFIs for intermittent renewables. Snaphshots of 8 countries representing a 496 TWh energy consumption.





Introduction (6)

1.     The market for energy storage in Africa (7)

1.1.    Investments to increase the electrification rate and reliability of the network, and develop renewable energy sources (7)

1.1.1. Electrification rate, intermittent renewables penetration and targets (7)

1.1.2. Ranking of the most interesting countries for energy storage deployments in Africa 111.2 Business models for energy storage and the potential for utility-scale energy storage in African countries (13)

1.2.1. On-grid utility scale energy storage coupled with renewables (14)

1.2.2. Off-grid PV and storage systems (microgrids) for rural electrification (16)

1.2.3. PV plus storage for commercial and industrial consumers (18)

1.3.   Development Financing Institutions (DFIs) are becoming increasingly proactive in the development of energy storage (19)

1.3.1. DFI involvement differs depending on the project size (20)

1.3.2. DFIs are unequally present across the continent (21)

1.3.3. Overview of the actions undertaken by DFIs involving energy storage (23)

2.     Power Pools (25)

2.1.   Main organizations (26)

2.1.1. Continental and regional institutes in charge of energies policies (26)

2.1.2. Some DFIs on the continent (27)

2.1.3. Institutes (28)

2.2.   Power Pools (29)

2.2.1. SAPP (30)

2.2.2. EAPP (31)

2.2.3. WAPP (32)

2.2.4. PEAC (33)

2.2.5. COMELEC (Maghreb Electricity Committee) (34)

3.     Countries’ snapshots (35)

3.1.   South Africa’s snapshot (36)

3.2.   Morocco’s snapshot (37)

3.3.   Egypt’s snapshot (38)

3.4.   Ethiopia’s snapshot (39)

3.5.   Mauritania’s snapshot (40)

3.6.   Madagascar’s snapshot (41)

3.7.   Kenya’s snapshot (42)

3.8.   Nigeria’s snapshot (43)




Figure 1: Africa Map and electrification rates between northern and sub-Saharan Africa (8)

Figure 2: Current electrification rates and penetration of wind and solar in 2017 in Africa (9)

Figure 3: Scores of four representative countries in Africa (significance funds for renewables, electricity market size, current intermittent renewables penetration and intermittent renewables targets) (12)

Figure 4: Top 15 countries which present the highest potential for energy storage deployment (13)

Figure 5: DFIs and utility type for selected African countries (22)

Figure 6: DFIs funding toward wind & solar (only considered WB, AFD, and Norfund) (23)

Figure 7 : African existing transmission lines allowing cross-border interconnection for regional grid (25)

Figure 8 : African planned transmission lines allowing cross-border interconnection for regional grid (26)

Figure 9 : Africa’s energy landscape (29)

Figure 10 : Regional electricity market status (30)

Figure 11 : Imported and exported energy in WAPP market (33)

Figure 12 : Snapshot of South Africa energy status (36)

Figure 13 : Snapshot of Morocco energy status (38)

Figure 14 : Snapshot of Egypt energy status (38)

Figure 15 : Snapshot of Ethiopia energy status (39)

Figure 16 : The snapshot of Mauritania energy (40)

Figure 17 : The energy snapshot of Madagascar (41)

Figure 18 : The snapshot of Kenya energy profile (42)

Figure 19 : Snapshot of Nigeria energy status (43)




Table 1 : Solar & wind deployment targets or renewables penetration targets in a selection of African countries. Unless otherwise indicated, percentages in expected developments column represent the ratio of RE in the country’s energy production (10)

Table 2 : Some utility-scale projects in Africa involving storage (15)

Table 3 : Examples of mini and/or micro-grid project involving storage in Africa (17)

Table 4 : A shortlist of DFIs present in Africa (20)

Table 5 : DFIs having issued a tender including utility scale storage (24)

Table 6 : Summary of regional organizations in charge of energy policies in Africa (27)

Table 7 : DFIs in Africa (27)

Table 8: Funds provided by WB, AFD, and Norfund during the period 2010-end-2017 for wind and solar (28)

Table 9 : Summary of regional organizations in charge of energy policies (28)

Table 10 : Trade volume and market price in the SAPP market (SAPP market monthly performance report (March 2018)) (31)