Training Webinar Session 1: Energy Storage - Introduction to markets, technologies, costs and risks

400 €

Clean Horizon Consulting will host 3 webinar training sessions on Energy storage in May 2020. This introductory session to energy storage presents the energy storage markets worldwide, taking a look at the broader picture from an international perspective

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The first session will take place on May 26th from 3 pm until 6 pm CET with M. Michael Salomon, CEO of Engineering at Clean Horizon Consulting.


What's included?

  • 3-hour live webinar
  • Q&A
  • Training slides


Who should attend?

Any stakeholder interested in understanding the markets for storage and the different technologies available






Introduction to the storage markets worldwide

  • Storage technologies
  • Applications
  • Trends in the market

Lithium-ion: the benchmark for the next 10 years?

  • CAPEX, Li-ion future prices at the cell and container level
  • Operation & maintenance
  • Fire safety: best industry practices

Beyond lithium–ion:

  • Other existing technologies: flow batteries, gravitational storage
  • Hydrogen case studies: industry, mobility, electricity
  • 2nd life batteries potential: projects, reuse vs. repurpose