Update From the Field - December 2019: Forecast 2020 - market trends and perspectives

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Executive summary (2)

New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (5)

Europe (5)

United Kingdom (6)

Italy (6)

Americas (7)

United States (7)

Project updates and announcements (8)

Overview of the 2019 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (8)

Projects announced or contracted this month (8)

Oceania (9)

Europe (9)

Americas (10)

Africa (10)

Projects commissioned this month (11)

Europe (11)

Americas (11)

Tenders this month (12)

Americas (12)

Africa (13)

Focus of the month: Forecast 2020: market trends and perspectives (14)

I. Short-term opportunities for storage in a selection of countries (14)

II. Long-term trends of the global energy storage market (21)

II. A The lack of appetite for purely merchant storage projects in the USA and Australia (21)

II.B The inclusion of storage in large renewable auctions (23)

II.C DFI programs drive storage opportunities by developing storage IPP roadmaps (24)

II.D Europe beyond the primary frequency regulation markets (26)




Figure 1. Direct participants involved in the European Battery Alliance (5)

Figure 2: Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2018 and 2019 (ongoing) (8)

Figure 3: Energy storage opportunities in the French power market are shaping up (14)

Figure 4: Secondary reserve prices in Belgium in 2019 (15)

Figure 5: Characteristics of the fast reserve service being consulted in Italy (16)

Figure 6: Injection requirements for the 2107 SPP hybrid firm auction  (19)

Figure 7: Risk appetite of storage developers in Europe and the USA (22)

Figure 8: Main applications for large-scale energy storage projects (23)

Figure 9: Methodology implemented by DFIs to foster storage deployment in Africa (24)

Figure 10. Some of the announced DFI-financed projects in Africa (25)

Figure 11: Average accessible revenues in the FCR auction (26)

Figure 12: Accessible revenues in the day-ahead and balancing markets in three European markets (28)