Update From The Field November 2018: Energy storage opportunities arising in Mexico

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Make the most of our monthly analysis concerning key data and trends in the energy storage industry worldwide.


Table of contents

Executive Summary (2)

Table of figures (4)

New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (5)

Americas (5)

United States (5)

Europe (5)

Switzerland (5)

Africa (5)

Democratic Republic of the Congo (5)

Oceania (5)

Australia (5)

Projects updates and announcements (6)

Overview of the 2018 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (6)

Projects announced or contracted this month (7)

Projects commissioned this month (9)

Focus of the month: Energy storage opportunities arising in Mexico (11)

The Mexican electricity sector (11)

The Mexican Wholesale Electricity Market (12)

The Mexican Electricity Mix (14)

A business and regulatory environment becoming more favorable for energy storage (16)

An evolving regulatory framework (16)

Market potential and current state of energy storage (18)

Estimation of BESS maximum market potential (18)

An imperfectly interconnected system witnessing price dichotomies (20)

Previous initiatives and prospective evolution of the storage market (22)

Conclusion (24)


Table of Figures

Figure 1: Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2017 and 2018 (ongoing) (6)

Figure 2: Map of Mexico (11)

Figure 3: Mexican long-term electricity auction phases and requirements (12)

Figure 4: Mexican wholesale electricity market (13)

Figure 5: Pre and post-reform structure of the electricity market (13)

Figure 6: Organization of the Mexican Electricity sector (14)

Figure 7: Energy generation share by participant type and modality (2018) –  SENER (15)

Figure 8: Installed generation capacity (2018) (15)

Figure 9: Planned renewable generation capacity additions over the 2018-2032 period (16)

Figure 10: Mexican entities’ efforts to deploy storage: obstacles and benefits (18)

Figure 11: Estimated Mexican 10-year market potential for energy storage (applications) (19)

Figure 12: Estimated Mexican 10-year market potential for energy storage, consolidated applications (19)

Figure 13: Map of Mexico’s electricity network (20)

Figure 14: Average LMP by region (2016) – CENACE (21)

Figure 15: Daily Average Local Marginal Price (2018) (21)

Figure 16: Daily Local Marginal Price spread (2018) (22)