Update From The Field October 2018: The impact of commodity prices on the cost of Li-ion batteries
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Make the most of our monthly analysis concerning key data and trends in the energy storage industry worldwide.
Table of contents
Executive Summary (2)
Table of figures (4)
New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (5)
Americas (5)
United States (5)
Europe (5)
France (5)
Projects updates and announcements (6)
Overview of the 2018 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (6)
Projects announced or contracted this month (7)
Projects commissioned this month (10)
Projects tendered this month (11)
Focus of the month: the impact of commodity prices on the cost of Li-ion batteries (12)
The current trends in the Li-ion battery sector (12)
The evolution of the Li-ion battery material composition (15)
Composition of a Li-ion battery (15)
Technical improvements of Li-ion batteries (16)
Power-intensive and energy-intensive battery cell differences (18)
Li-ion battery material prices (18)
Evolution of material prices (18)
The current raw material cost of a Li-ion battery cell (20)
Estimating the raw material cost of a Li-on battery cell over the 2020 – 2025 period (21)
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2017 and 2018 (ongoing) (7)
Figure 2. List of energy storage projects on the French Islands – 2018 (9)
Figure 3: location of the main battery manufacturing facilities, as of 2017 (13)
Figure 4: location of the main battery manufacturing facilities, as of 2022 (expected) (14)
Figure 5: cross section (left) and composition (right) of an LFP battery cell (15)
Figure 6: cross section (left) and composition (right) of an NMC battery cell (16)
Figure 7: The various configurations of NMC batteries (18)
Figure 8: lithium (blue) and cobalt (red) price evolution over the 2010 – 2018 period (19)
Figure 9: prices of raw materials ($/kg) used in battery manufacturing (20)
Figure 10: material cost of a NMC cell, depending on the configuration (21)
Figure 11: sensitivity of the material cost of a battery cell to the variations of commodity prices (22)