Latest news from Clean Horizon

Stationary energy storage: European markets and focus on the French framework
27 Aug 2020 | Conference Briefs

Over the past decade, around 4.4 GW of energy storage projects have been announced for Europe, with approximately 1.2GW capacity reached operational stage. In France, over 85 MW of storage and more than 265MWh have been announced. Corentin Baschet, Head of Market Analysis at Clean Horizon Consulting, will be joined Molly Huang, Conference Producer of the 2nd ESES 2020, to introduce the European market for stationary storage, with respect to regulatory framework, revenue streams, and business cases in both mainlands and islands.

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Conference "The Energy Storage Summit" London - February 25th and 26th, 2020
02 Mar 2020 | Conference Briefs

The Energy Storage Summit has been attended by Clean Horizon since the early beginning of the UK storage market back in 2016 and gathers all the stakeholders active in this market. This year seems more promising for energy storage in the UK. Following the saturation of the frequency regulation markets in 2018 and 2019, other revenue streams are now accessible to energy storage systems with elements such as: - Wider access to the balancing mechanism - Participation in the day-ahead an intraday wholesale markets - Dynamic Containment During the past weeks several 100 MWs of energy storage were announced in the UK showing that the trading across the markets (day ahead, intraday and balancing) is easier to access for energy storage systems.

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Conference "Making Solar Bankable" Amsterdam - February 6th and 7th, 2020
18 Feb 2020 | Conference Briefs

The conference “Making Solar Bankable” is a biannual event organized jointly by SolarPlaza and the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank (FMO). One of the major objective of this event is to create an unique occasion for both renewable energy projet developers and development financial institutions decision-makers to exchange with each other, as well as with several other type of actors in the energy sector such as consultants, system manufacturers, lawyers and insurers. Several hot topics were under the spotlight during the conference, including notably the future of micro-grids project ecosystem and the role of energy storage in the development of renewable energy across the world. Regarding this last topic, a 3-hour dedicated workshop took place, focusing on the current available technologies, the advantages and drawbacks of the implementation of storage in a PV project. This workshop, as well as the multiple networking interactions, allowed Clean Horizon to better understand the current concerns and expectations of the financial institutions regarding the transition from traditional PV plant to solar plus storage.

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Conference “EASE-European Commission Innovation Fund Workshop” - February 5th, 2020
17 Feb 2020 | Conference Briefs

The meeting was about Innovation Fund focusing on the Energy Storage scope projects evaluation. Mr. Roman Doubrava, deputy Head of Unit - DG CLIMA.C.3 Land use and Finance, introduce the presentation of the Innovation Fund program as a European strategy for long term vision. The objective being to manage and be ensure that Europe could be competitive and save the planet. The strategy based on this fund is of several pathways for a climate neutral Europe as stated by the European green Deal intending to design a set of deeply transformative policies. Feature of Innovation fund: More than 100 projects expected, Volume: 10billion; Supporting up to 60% additional cost related to innovative technology; CCS and CCU Industry Energy storage; Financing from the EU emissions trading system; Support additional capital and operation (up to 10 years); First call in mid-2020, projects with capex higher than €7.5million.

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Conference “Storage in the electric mix” - INES Chambery - February 4th, 2020
10 Feb 2020 | Conference Briefs

The conference « Le stockage dans le mix électrique » organized by the Institut National de l’Energie Solaire (INES) aimed at providing an overview of the different technologies, actors and current trends of the world of storage. As every speaker and most of the participants were French, the scope of the conference was focused on the country’s projects and actors. Among the main topics tackled were the role of the Energy Management Systems in the renewable integration, the evolution of the integrator role, the present and future stakes of battery recycling, and a overview of the trends of storage technology including lithium-based but also flow batteries and hydrogen vector.

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Variable renewable energy summit,Tbilisi - Georgia, November 25th-26th 2019
16 Dec 2019 | Conference Briefs

This conference was organized by USAID to foster renewable energy deployments in Georgia. The country is on the verge of adopting a policy to favour solar and wind deployment in order to diversify its electricity generation portfolio : Georgia has 80% of its electricity generated from hydro and the rest comes from gas.

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