Latest news from Clean Horizon

Energy storage news - September 21th, 2018
29 Sep 2018 | Top 5

This week’s TOP 5 includes the DOE announcing R&D grants, a 6.5MWh project announced in Antigua, a UK a vanadium flow battery starting operation in Massachussetts, a UK fund buying 19MW of projects, juwi to build a 600kWh in an Australian island.

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Energy storage news - September 14th, 2018
28 Sep 2018 | Top 5

This week’s TOP 5 includes Ireland preparing to procure 140 MW of assets for its DS3 programme, RES inaugurating its Broxburn battery in Scotland, Anesco installing a behind the meter C&I battery, Connected Energy and Argonaut using second life batteries to respond to C&I energy storage needs, and the Australian Energy Market Operator seeking to establish a register and potential participation of distributed energy resources to better manage the National Electricity Market.

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Energy storage news - September 7th, 2018
09 Sep 2018 | Top 5

This week’s TOP 5 includes 373 MW of energy storage projects authorized by the Irish Systems Operators, residential storage overtaking front-of-the-meter storage in the USA, a partnership between Swell Energy and Autogrid in California, a 5 MW Virtual Power Plant in Victoria, Australia receiving financing, and a 500 kW energy storage system installed by Stem at a commercial site in California.

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Energy storage news - August 31th, 2018
02 Sep 2018 | Top 5

This week’s TOP 5 includes the creation of a 500 M$ fund dedicated to energy storage in South Africa, Germany reaching the number of 100,000 residential batteries installed, the approval of Xcel's energy for the deployment of large amounts of renewables and storage, the extension of California’s SGIP toward 2026, and Amazon installing Tesla batteries at one of its sites in the UK.

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Energy storage news - August 24th, 2018
28 Aug 2018 | Top 5

This week’s TOP 5 includes a 10MW / 10MWh battery storage system being deployed by RES and CPS Energy in Texas, the commissioning of a 10MW / 20MWh battery system at a large consumer in Ontario by Convergent and IHI, the construction of a 4.25MW / 8.5MWh battery system at an army base in Colorado, the commissioning of a 6MW / 4MWh battery system by Wärtsilä in Hungary, and the development of a novel gravitational energy storage technology using cranes and concrete blocks by a Swiss startup.

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Energy storage news - August 17th, 2018
17 Aug 2018 | Top 5

This week’s TOP 5 includes Fluence helping C&I customers in Ontario, Canada cut electricity costs with a 48 MW battery, Tesla adding 25 MW (more) of batteries in South Australia, India aiming to increase activities in the battery sector with a 3-phase plan to encourage manufacturing and electric vehicle developments, as well the Solar Corporation of India launching a Request for Bids for the State of Andhra Pradesh, and finally more information concerning the latest solar + storage electricity project price in Moloka’i Hawaii.

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